Online Forms

Please click on the relevant form type section and you'll find an online form to complete. 

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Administering Medication Form

Choose the starting day/time
Choose the last day/time

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Pupil Details - Amendment

Please complete the form if you need to change your child's details
Provide details of any information that has changed.

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Pupil Leaving Form

Please complete this form if your child is leaving Kingsthorpe Grove Primary School

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Request for leave of absence form

We understand that at times there may be a need to take your child out of school during term times, medical appointment that you cannot get out of school hours, close family funeral, visiting a new school etc.  
Regarding holidays, during term time we will not be able to authorise these and they may result in being referred to the Local Authority.
“If you take your child out of school for an accumulative total of 5 days or more (10 sessions) (83.33%) over a period of six weeks, the school will deem this as irregular attendance and will consider a referral to the Local authority for consideration of legal action. This could include, 
A Penalty Notice payable up to £160 fine without further reference to you for a penalty notice this warning is valid for 12 months.
Prosecution under s444 (1) Education Act 1996, where if convicted you may be fined up to £1,000.
Prosecution under s444 (1) (a) Education Act 1996 where if convicted you may be fined up to £2,500 and/or 3 months’ imprisonment.”
Drag and drop files here or Browse
Choose the first day of absence
Choose the return date