Safeguarding Introduction

At Kingsthorpe Grove Primary School we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.  Our school is a safe place for children; every adult in our school takes the responsibility for safeguarding our children extremely seriously. We have trained designated safeguarding leaders and a designated safeguarding governor.

We teach the children about personal safety through our curriculum.  We have clear guidance for children, teachers and parents to help children to use the internet safely and responsibly (see our Online Safety policy below).

Our staff recruitment policies and practices meet safer recruitment requirements.  We always pursue identity checks and qualification checks and we take up written references before confirming employment.  We require clearance from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) before employing any staff, this includes supply teachers and outside clubs and coaching staff.

Should you have any safeguarding concerns, please contact one of our DSL (Designated Safeguarding Leads):  Angela Woods, Alison Dolan, Lorraine Brown and Gayle Damrell. Our Safeguarding / Child Protection policy can be found on our Policies page.

Northamptonshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

If you have concerns about the safety of a child:

If there is no immediate danger or if you need advice, contact the Northamptonshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: Telephone: 0300 126 7000 (Option 1); Email:

Reports can also be made online Report a concern (  If it is an emergency and you think that a child may be in immediate danger please contact the emergency services directly by calling 999. If you need to contact MASH urgently during the evening, at night or at the weekend, please phone the MASH out-of- hours team on 01604 626 938.

 The Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children’s Board website has a whole host of useful information for parents. 

Other contacts / links

  • NSPCC: help, advice or concerns about the safety of a child: 0808 800 5000
  • National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
  • Mind: Mental Health Charity
  • Northampton and District Mind: 01604 634310

Our DSLs


You may have noticed something that makes you feel uneasy, such as unexplained marks or bruises, the child may have said something, they may have unexplained absences or too many absences.


If you have any of the above concerns or something else about the welfare of a child, you have a duty to report it either directly to MASH on 0300 126 7000 or, if the child/ren attends our school to one of our DSLs named above.  If you believe that a child/ren could be in immediate danger of harm, then please call the Police on 999. 


  • Information will be recorded and monitored
  • Advice, support and signposting will be given
  • An Early Help Assessment ’EHA’ may be suggested
  • A referral to Social Care may be carried out in line with Kingsthorpe Grove’s Safe Guarding policy


We all have a responsibility to protect children - Children have a right to feel safe

Our Policies for Safeguarding